Bird Flu
        and You

                                                   Amantadine- Effective Anti-Viral Drug for Flu

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Amantadine- Effective Anti-Viral Drug for Flu

Saira Simmons

Amantadine- Effective Anti-Viral Drug for Flu

The role of Influenza anti viral drugs will be of utmost importance if a pandemic breaks out, especially during the first wave of infection when pandemic vaccines may not be available. Anti Virals is the only option available for the prevention and treatment of Influenza in the absence of vaccines.

In the present scenario, we are encompassed with four types of Anti viral drugs which are miraculously effectual in shortening the course of infection if given early during the disease and are also capable of providing short term protection against Influenza.

They are-

" Amantadine

" Rimantadine

" Tamiflu

" Relenza

Amantadine- The medication is used to treat or prevent infections of the respiratory tract caused by a certain virus. It acts by slowing the growth of the virus. Amantadine is also used to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease and to treat the side effects caused by certain psychiatric drugs. They will help you save hours of frustrating, wasted searching, and let you zero in on the best material on this subject - like this article you're reading. Go on...

Amantadine hydrochloride inhibits the replication of influenza A viruses at low concentrations. The exact mechanism of action is unknown. In vitro human influenza viruses, including H1N1, H1N2, H2N2 and H3N2 subtypes are inhibited by 0.2 to 0.7 micrograms/ml or less of amantadine. It is recognized, however, that not all strains susceptible under in vitro conditions will be similarly affected in clinical practice.

The medication is only effective against the A influenza viruses. If used as a treatment it is not capable of preventing the host immune response for influenza A infection. Prophylactic administration has no effect on the host immune response to vaccination with the current inactivated influenza virus vaccines.

Amantadine Dosage- Generally the medication is recommended soon after the exposure is suspected and should be taken continuously for the next ten days. In case of recurrent or prolonged exposure, it is advised to continue with Amantadine dosage throughout the epidemic. The suggested dosages of Amantadine for different age groups are as follows-

" Children aged five-nine years- 100mg once daily

" Children and adults aged 10-65 years- 100mg twice daily

" Adults over 65 years- 100mg once daily

Opt for Amantadine

The fact that makes Amantadine one of the best medications available against influenza is that it is anti-viral. Even antibiotics can kill bacteria but they are not effective against viral infection and since flu is a viral infection it deserves treatment through an anti-viral medication, which is Amantadine. So, you should look for the drug information number, or DIN, on the product, and buy amantadine from genuine internet pharmacies that provide a street address and telephone number in case there is a problem.

About the author:

Saira Simmons is a well known author who has long been writing articles related to health & fitness. Her articles are well known across the web for being quite informative and according to the changing trend in the pharmacy industry.
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