Jim Malmberg
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For the past seven days, there has been absolutely nothing but bad news for Europe when it comes to the subject of bird flu. Greece, Italy, Austria, Slovenia and Germany have all announced that H5N1 is present within their borders. And today, Denmark announced that it is testing 35 dead birds for bird flu.
34 of the 35 dead birds will likely test positive for the disease. That is because they were discovered on an island just north of Germanys Ruegen Island. Reugan, located on Germanys Baltic coast, is where Germany discovered two dead swans that have tested positive for H5N1. The 34 birds from this region consisted of 32 swans, a duck and a seagull.
Denmark is also testing a dead cormorant that was discovered in Vejle Fjord, in western Denmark. Test results should be available within four days.
In an effort to help contain the disease, and in anticipation of positive test results for the H5N1 virus, Danish authorities have ordered poultry ranchers with more than 100 birds to contain them in indoor pens. It is hoped that this procedure will help prevent the spread of bird flu into domesticated poultry. Germany, France and Italy have all announced similar restrictions within the past few days.
Jim Malmberg founded and writes for fluFactor. fluFactor is an online blog (http://flufactor.blogspot.com) that delivers news and information on the spread of the bird flu. The blog has a user forum section, and users can also subscribe to receive daily updates by e-mail. the site pays special attention to the economic consequences to bird flu outbreaks. |