Bird Flu
        and You

                                                   Flu Shot Alternative - Seasonal Change

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Flu Shot Alternative - Seasonal Change

J. Ratliff

Interesting, isn't it? In the rest of this article, you'll discover even more insider stuff about the topic - and it is simple and easy to follow. If you are among the millions of Americans this year who was not able to get a flu shot, then you should be aware of alternative medicines.

A product called Seasonal Change may help keep you from getting the Flu this season.

What is Season Change?

Progressive Health's Seasonal Change formula may be able to strengthen your immune system and help you recover from your seasonal illness such as the flu.

The national institute of health estimates over 108 million cases of a cold or flu are reported on a yearly basis.

People who take Progressive Health's Seasonal Change have a reduced risk of becoming ill. Studies show vitamins in our product may be utilized by white blood cells at 4 - 6 times the normal rate during an incidence of a cold or flu.

The common cold and flu are caused by viruses that attack the upper respiratory system. Natural supplements are almost always recommended before OTC drugs, here are some reasons why:

Possible side effects with pre-existing conditions or medications may prevent the use of OTC drugs
Certain occupations are restricted from use of antihistamines, such as pilots and truck drivers
Many believe natural products are better for you and more effective in the long run Vaccinations may not be adequate protection.

To learn more about Seasonal Change, please visit

About the Author

Jamie is a technical and health writer for numerous websites. This article was recently written for

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