Jan Dunlop
Interesting, isn't it? In the rest of this article, you'll discover even more insider stuff about the topic - and it is simple and easy to follow.
Mention to someone that you are preparing for bird flu survival and they will probably think you are being overly paranoid. But a look through history shows that there have been many pandemics in the past, the most notable being the "Spanish flu" of 19181919 which killed over 25 million in six months.
Most scientists now say that the question is not if but when a major flu outbreak will occur. If Bird Flu increases its rates of human to human transmission, it will likely spread rapidly. You can expect a massive rush to secure medical, food, and other essential supplies. If you are not prepared ahead of time, you will be jeopardising you chances of survival.
So, what should you do to survive the bird flu? Most of this is common sense:
- Get your emergency supplies in order
- Stock up on flu masks
- Flu antiviral drugs are a good idea if you can get them
Emergency Supplies - make sure you have a good stock of food, water and basic essentials, enough to last you 3 to 4 weeks. Your list might look something like this:
- Always have ready cash on hand.
- An alternative source of heat in case the power goes out.
- Enough bottled water for a week - 1 gallon (3lts) per person per day.
- Basic food items - at least a months worth.
- Tissues, toilet paper, diapers, bleach and paper towels.
- Over the counter flu medications to last a few weeks of illness
- Keep vehicles as full as possible and fill any gas cans you have.
- First aid kit - is it up to date.
- Adequate supply of any prescription medicines you may need.
- A hand-cranked radio.
- Camp stoves or gas bbq's with full propane tanks
- Plenty of batteries.
Flu Masks - masks serve two purposes. First, they reduce the risk of infection from an infected person and two; they also stop the spread of infection from someone who is infected. Get plenty.
Antiviral Drugs - If you can find them a stock of Tamiflu is a good idea. There is some debate about whether Tamiflu would work depending on the strain of flu that causes the pandemic.
In summary
We have had 50 years of relative stability in the world and most people alive today have never had to look after themselves in a sticky situation. We all take it for granted that all will be well. Our current system of living relies on just in time delivery of all our basic necessities usually from thousands of miles away - A system that will surely be subject to collapse if panic sets in.
Those who are prepared will have a better chance at bird flu survival.
J Dunlop is the owner and operator of the Bird Flu Survival Guide which can be found at http://www.avian-bird-flu.info. |